- Version
- Download 18
- File Size 282.46 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 26. February 2024
- Last Updated 28. February 2024
It has been a small moment since I had to publish this plugin, and better late than never. It is the plugin only one, to my knowledge, who is made only for day of defeat : source.
This version is lighter than the plugins of the kind of sodstats and the other... With a very optimized code. What makes that the servers are slowed down by no means.
I did not want to spread(diffuse) it, but I have understand that this plugin could please you as player. Sorry on the other hand, because I made the awards with French ranks, given that I am also French and given that I did not know the ranks in English ^^. Thus, to you probably to modify the awards.
A plugin young of statistics with as novelty a system of awards on the players. The principle is simple, the players who play many are rewarded by an awards of the army.
How work the awards ? And indeed, it is also simple. The player who kills a lot and who takes flags, has of maids luck(chance) to rise quickly, but the players who are not PGM is also rewarded if they take many of flags. This plugin is a good means of know the players who pull, because it rewards as well the average players as the big players.
Warning, by speaking about big players. There is a condition to be among the first ones of the classification. So well obviously it is necessary to kill a lot, it is also necessary to have a minimum of flag (that is 1 flag for 3 kills) to cross(spend) an award, here is the board below.
The arrived of a player on server allows of :
- See the rank of the entering player
Commande client :
- grades : Show ShowMOTDPanel with the board of different ranks to be acquired in court of part.
- rank : Give the rank of the player as well as its rank by number of points.
- top : Show the Top 10 of the players by number of points. Points are calculated as indicated below :
1 - Kill on victim = +1 point
2 - Kill (victim = attacker) = -2 points
3 - Kill (victim_team == attacker_team) = -15 points
4 - Kill by headshot = +1 point
5 - Capture flag = +2 points
- topgrades : Show the Top 10 of most graded players by number of kills.
- statsme : Show the information of the player (Name, awards, flags, headshots, time ingame, kills/deaths with ratio,
- sm_stats <#userid|name> (For know the stats of another present player on the game in the middle of the game. Type this command in the console)
Commande server :
- sm_dodstats_reset
- sm_dodstats_purge <days>
- sm_dodstats_delete_player <STEAM_ID>
Installation :
- Put sm_dodstats.smx in "dod/addons/sourcemod/plugins"
- Put motd_grades.html (Display the ranks) in the file of your FAST_download
"http://votreAdresseFastDownload/dod/...td_grades.html". And change also the address in sm_dodstats so that it is well at the indicated address.
- Put the file "dod" in the root of your FAST_download "http://votreAdresseFastDownload/dod/telechargements/".
- Relaunch server
motd_grades.html :
- You can modify the rules of motd_grades.html. I let work your imagination ^^
sm_dodstats :
- You can modify the awards =
new String:tableau_des_awards[][] = { "Civil", "Resistant", "Soldat", "Soldat 1ere classe", "Caporal", "Caporal-Chef", "Sergent", "Sergent-chef", "Adjudant", "Adjudant-chef", "Major", "Aspirant", "Sous-lieutenant", "Lieutenant", "Capitaine", "Commandant", "Lieutenant-colonel", "Colonel", "General de brigade", "General de division", "General de Corps d'armee", "General d'armee", "Marechal" };
- Do not forget to modify also (if you wish it) =
new tableau_des_caps[] = { 0, 83, 167, 208, 260, 326, 407, 509, 636, 795, 993, 1242, 1552, 1940, 2425, 3032, 3790, 4737, 5833, 7500, 10000, 13333, 17500 };
new tableau_des_tues[] = { 0, 250, 500, 625, 781, 977, 1221, 1526, 1907, 2384, 2980, 3725, 4657, 5821, 7276, 9095, 11369, 14211, 17500, 22500, 30000, 40000, 52500 };
- Warning especially to preserve in your board the same number of elements is =
#define AWARDS 23
Good game for all and good career !